Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Goin' Crazy Much????

I have been sick for the past two days and not getting any better. I wanted nothing more than to lie down today in between conference calls and attempt to rest. However, there was a whining puppy somewhere that would NOT stop crying. The cries were so close that I truly thought there was an innocent puppy trapped somewhere. The crying would not stop and because I wanted so desperately to sleep that the crying became as annoying as a leaky faucet! I went outside, looked around everywhere that I could see and puppy! I was just about to pick-up the phone and contact Animal Services to see if they could locate the poor animal when I passed by my husband's laptop and the **** thing was crying! I wiggled the mouse, and wouldn't you know it, there was Cydnee's DOGZ game, and her new baby Pug, looking up at me through the screen, begging to be fed!!!! Good Hell! I'm losing my mind and sleep over a computer dog!

Somebody shoot me!


Janalee Hubbard said...

That's so funny! I am very familiar with that sound at my house too.

I just stole some music from you, the Kelly Clarkson one and Miley's. (Did you see the movie? I took Bailey and we've been singing Miley's songs ever since!)

Natalee said...

Steal away cute girl!

And yes, we did see "Hannah Montana!" LOVED IT! I have the entire's awesome!

Jodi said...

That is stinkin' hilarious! And 'good hell' it would have driven me crazy, too ;)

Jodi said...

PS...this post made me miss you! Next time you get to Oregon to visit BETTER come see me :)