Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thankful Thursdays

Man, it's been one incredibly emotional and long week for me! And there is still one more day to go! Heaven help me. There has been so much going on this week and every day I've struggled to find just a little peace or repreave. So today's list are the Five "comfort" items that I have in my life that have seemed to help me out a bit this week and that I'm thankful to have had around during this crazy time!

#1 - FanFics!!! I know you all already think that I'm a bit too obsessed with Twilight, but until "Breaking Dawn" comes out in August, I have found some great stories to pass the time. My favorite is titled "Sacrifices". It's helped me escape to the world of Edward and Bella a little bit every night! The story is not complete so the author is still adding chapters every 3-4 days. Here's a link if you're interested in checking it out!

#2 - Popcorn!!!! I know this is a total comfort food thing, and contrary to the picture that I have posted below, but hey...when I'm down, and I want something good and salty, a bag of Homestyle flavored popcorn always hits the spot!

#3 - My Music!!! Every night as I lie in bed longing for sleep, or for an escape from the days events, I love to just put on my headphones and escape to the tunes on my various playlists. Seriously, you gotta love iPods and iTunes! Godbless Apple! (Now if only Chris would take me of his "naughty" list and let me replace my lost 8GB nano!)

#4 - A Good Inspirational Thought!!! It's so easy to get bogged down in the daily woes of the world or even easier, in our own suffering, so I've been trying to keep some uplifting thought books around my bedside to read each day to "TRY" to help me stay focused. This is the thought that I flipped to this evening, and wow, it just nailed every part of every bit of my life and those around me. It's short but says a lot! Here it is:

Life is never a failure until we call it such.

There are so many who need your helping hand,

your loving smile,

your tender thoughtfulness.

#5 - Hugs from "MY BEST FRIEND!" Every morning, every hour, just about whenever it seems that I need one, my little guy is coming into my office or wherever I am and letting me know that I'm "his best friend" and he loves me and then gives me a big hug! Comfort doesn't get much better than that!


Mel Dawn said...

Awww, Nataroo, I'm sorry you have had such a rough week! I loved your post and I agree...thank heavens for iPod! I hope Chris pulls his head out and gets you a new one! ha ha

I love ya!

Anonymous said...

#5 is my FAVORITE... I's loves his face!!!!!