Friday, June 6, 2008

Thankful Thursdays...A Day Late

So I have been without the internet for almost two days now. Thus the reason for being late on my Thankful Thursdays I apologize!

Here it goes!

#1 is Having my Internet Back!!!!

Besides the fact that I haven't been able to Blog, or access anything for two days, which felt like a week, I haven't been able to work without the Internet. Definitely a work hazard when you are working from home!!!! It's been a realllly LONG two days!

Speaking of Work, #2 this week is my 2nd Family...My IHG Family!

I know I tend to complain about job quite a bit, so I thought I would actually speak of one of the best parts about my extended family! I have made some very dear and close friends over the past 15 years and I love them all! The support they offer me on a daily basis is incredible! I've been blessed with truly incredible bosses who have all been mentors, and just some of the greatest people I know. So this week, I'm just very thankful for all the great people in my life, here in Utah, in Atlanta, well all over the US that I've met through my job!

#3 & #4 are Katie Boo and Stacey Too!

Stacey took care of Jaxon for me on Thursday while I was flying home from Dallas. And yes, this is a HUGE help to Chris and I, but the part I am most thankful for is that Jaxon gets a break from Daycare. He LOVES his cousins, aka. his PALS and he had so much fun spending the day with Isabelle, and Baby Katie, and Isabelle's Mom! So Thanks Stacey! But the second thing I'm Thankful for is the fact that when I came to pick him up that Miss Katie Boo wanted her Aunt Nat! She wanted her Aunt Nat BAD! And this just doesn't happen! She was snuggling with me and hugging on me and even starting calling me "ma ma!" Sorry Stacey! I was loving it! So, Aunt Nat stayed a lot longer than originally planned!

And #5 on my list this week will be OneRepublic's "Dreaming Out Loud" CD!

I just cannot get enough of this Album folks!

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