Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday's

Well, another Thankful Thursday is upon us...Ahem!

So today's theme of Thankful Thursday comes from a new word I learned today... SWAPNA.
It's an Indian term meaning "Dreams". And no, I'm not referring to the dreams we have at night, nor am I referring to the dreams that have tormented me my entire life since early childhood! I'm referring to Dream-Dreams; the dreams we have of those things we wish to come true! Happy wishes! Happy Thoughts! You know...Those Dreams! The ones that hopefully don't get squashed too often and keep a glint of sparkle in our eyes. And I guess if we need a reminder of what dreams should look like we can always look at the dreams of our kids through their eyes! So here are five things that either have inspired a Dream out of me, I am dreaming of, or someone I love is dreaming of this past week! Enjoy!

#1 Summer is here and what better time than Summer to let those Summer dreams come to fruition. Kids find things to dream about and even some to make a reality. This week it was Jaxon's New Spiderman Slippin' Slide! Too Bad Jaxon decided he didn't want to get wet! He didn't realize there was Water involved!

#2 Okay, so this is a fun one! The Lincoln MKZ! This is the car that I've been driving all week in Atlanta! And this is the car I want! I've been holding out forever for a Nissan Murano, and there is still a very GOOD possibility for one of those. But if I/we end up going for just a regular size, Just for Natalee car...THIS IS THE ONE BABY! In RED of course! No more white or gold colored cars for me!

#3 I dream of having more Happy Days than Sad Ones!

#4 Digital Photography - So this is my newest love and wannabe hobby! And this is the camera I need to get me to where I need to be! I really enjoy taking pictures and I truly wish to take my picture-taking to the next level!

#5 And this is my favorite representation of Dreams coming true. This was the on the Season Premiere of "America's Got Talent". And I need not give any further explanation. Just watch this precious clip:

1 comment:

Mel Dawn said...

Hi Dearest Nataroo!
I look forward every day to read your blog. You are very talented and I hope you know what an inspiration you are to me. You are the best friend a girl could ask for. I hope that you get your camera soon and then I will get mine as well. We can be photography gurus together! Hurry home from Atlanta, I miss you dear friend!

Love Always,