Monday, September 15, 2008

Midnight Sun...On Hold Indefinitely...It's A Bad Day!

This isn't exactly new news, but I have had many of you ask for an update on what has taken place with the "Midnight Sun" scandal! Unfortunately, someone that Stephenie Meyer trusted with a copy of the manuscript of the first 12 chapters of "Midnight Sun" leaked that copy and downloaded it to the Internet. There were several versions out with variations, so Stephenie is aware of who leaked the copy. But nonetheless, due to this, she has decided to put the finishing of the book, and release on hold indefinitely. This of course is heartbreaking news for those of us who have been waiting for Edward's Point of View to be released. I for won am devastated. I cannot blame Stephenie for feeling betrayed and for not wanting to finish this book, but I sincerely hope that she will have a change of heart. As much as I was waiting for the release of "Breaking Dawn", well I was that more excited about this book. To be inside of Edward's head for several hundred pages is more than I can stand to hope for! And that's just what I will keep doing!
If you do want to read the 12 Chapters that Stephenie posted, you can go to her website. The link is posted below!
OME!!!! I need thee!

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