Sunday, June 1, 2008

Breaking Dawn ... And More

So my fellow Twilighters, I'm sure you are most of you have already seen this, but if not, here it is, the new cover for "Breaking Dawn"! Now I know NOTHING about Chess, so I had to do some research to find out exactly what we were looking at and here's the scoop! That is the Queen Piece...Obviously, WHITE. Behind it is a Pawn piece...Obviously RED. What I also found out is that a Pawn can take the place of any place of any piece on the board. So thus starts the analogies ladies and gents! (My favorite part!)

And for those of you who don't have the Special Edition of "Eclipse" here's a tidbit more for you to chew on... At the bottom of the cover it reads:

"Don't be afraid," I murmered.

"We belon together."

I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words.

This moment was so perfect, so right,

there was no way to doubt it.

His arms wrapped around me,

holding me against him....

It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire.

"Forever," he agreed.

With that, here it is, here's my thought, and it's been my thought for a while, and now that I think that I've seen the cover, I'm going with it. I'm not going to spoil the first chapter for those of you who haven't read it...but if you want a taste of it, it is posted on Stephenie Meyer's website (Link Below). Anyway, the wedding is going to happen. I believe the conflict of the book is going to be when, and where and under what circumstances Bella becomes a Vampire, and War that will ensue between her and Jacob. If you read, you'll know what I'm talking about!

So, I believe the Red Pawn is Bella as a human, Red representative of her human blood, human state, fighting her way to take over and become a vampire. Which with the special Vampire powers we know she is going to have, makes her the "Queen" of the vampires, and the "white" I'm going with the draining of her blood, purity, marble state, etc.

That's It! That's my theory. Not sure where the Volturi is going to fit in...but I know they will be in there in this magnificent 800+ page book!

Also, found another cute interview of Rob leading up to tonights premiere of an entire SCENE from the "Twilight" movie on the MTV 2008 Movie Awards... I will post it after it's online, and you know it will be! Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, if Bella & Jacob have a war I am totally cool with that... She could kill him and I would be fine... LOL! No seriously I like what you are thinking I was kinda thinking the same thing... I really think that she is going to become a Vampire & there is going to be some type a battle between Bella & the "V" Family... ALL I ask & want is for her to be with Edward... I will WILL DIE A PAINFUL DEATH if they do not end up together... Just thinking about is making my stomach TURN...